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David Williams

Your UKIP candidate for the

2017 General Election

Unlike the Tory candidate, Miss Truss, who was parachuted in to South West Norfolk having twice failed to win a seat elsewhere in the country, UKIP’s David Williams has lived in Narborough for 26 years. He has served on Breckland Council for 16 of those years, working hard to help local people, including helping campaigns to save Narborough Post Office and Doctor’s Surgery from closure and preventing the wind turbine at Sporle.


UKIP’s David Williams is the only Brexit candidate

David is the only candidate on the ballot that, like most people in South West Norfolk, voted for and believes in Brexit.

"Brexit is the biggest political issue of our time, yet the Labour, Tory and Lib Dem candidates do not represent the clearly expressed views of the majority of the people of South West Norfolk who voted to leave the EU. Even if you didn’t vote, or voted to Remain, you no doubt respect the democratic outcome of the referendum and want to see the Brexit that the majority of people in our area voted for.


Elizabeth Truss voted twice against having an EU referendum, and she was at the forefront of the despicable Project Fear anti-Brexit campaign. Locally she has not supported Downham Market Academy school, voted in favour of selling off Thetford Forest, and voted against cheaper petrol prices for rural areas like ours.


Like the people of South West Norfolk, I believe Brexit is a massive opportunity. I am the only Brexit candidate on the ballot paper, and will give South West Norfolk a strong voice on Brexit in the House of Commons. A vote for any other candidate is a vote to either reverse the result of the EU referendum or is a vote for a Remainer in Brexit clothing who will undoubtedly deliver a Brexit that is Remain in all but name."


David Rhys Williams

David Williams UKIP candidate SOuth West Norfolk General Election 2017

The elected UKIP representatives that are making a difference where you live

Well done to Cllrs Denis Crawford and Mark Taylor who were re-elected to serve on  Thetford Town Council on May 2nd 2018.

UKIP SW Norfolk's town Councillors

Love Europe

Leave the EU


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© 2017Published and promoted by Tony Allison on behalf of David Williams and UK Independence Party (UKIP) SW Norfolk, both of 43 Old Market Street, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2EQ. Hosted by Wix

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