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A letter to the people of South West Norfolk - it's time for change

We are only days from an historic Election. The established parties have taken voters for granted and let them down. Too many politicians seem remote, untrustworthy, unaware of life in the ʻreal worldʼ and disinterested in their constituents, so people want change.

Voting for UKIP will help bring about that much needed change, but I expect you may want to know more about me, as well as UKIP policies, before deciding to entrust me with your vote. So let me tell you about myself...

I come from a working class family and after a state school education, joined the Royal Air Force, becoming a Tornado Navigator. In my 25- year service I held front-line, training and headquarters appointments, went to war, and retired as a Wing Commander. So I know why a commitment to spend 2% of GDP on Defence is important.

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As a military officer, I was expected to be honest, determined, loyal, calm and professional, in an environment where people routinely trusted others with their lives. So I am disappointed that what politicians promise seems to attract more attention than their character, their track record and whether they can be trusted. So I do not believe MPs should say one thing but do another, put Party interests above those of their constituents, or avoid giving straight answers to questions.

UKIP offers a new alternative. It has no formal Party Whip, and candidates (like me) with real- life experience. I live in a small rural community, I understand what it is like to be made redundant, to struggle with mortgage payments, to face an uncertain future, to ʻcount the penniesʼ and be a parent.


I am not a career politician, so why did I enter politics? The appalling expenses scandal of 2009 sparked my interest, but it was the Conservative decision, with no mandate, to redefine marriage that got me involved. I stood as a UKIP candidate in the 2013 County Council election and was elected. My professional experience saw me take a pivotal role in the design of a new committee system of governance at County Hall, and I became Chairman of a cross-party committee with a budget of some £50M, showing that UKIP has been working well in local government and it is now time for it to break into Westminster.

This is not a presidential election. We live in a Parliamentary democracy, which means voters are choosing someone to be their trusted representative and their loyal voice in the House of Commons.

You wouldnʼt employ a cowboy builder or tradesman with a bad reputation, so why treat politicians differently? So if you want an MP who believes trust and loyalty are more important than promises, then please consider voting for me on May 7 th.

Thank you.


My Local Priorities

Get Young People Into Work

That means giving them a good education, equipping them with relevant skills for life and having jobs they can apply for.

Ensure Rural Communities Are Not Neglected

That means making sure they have fair access to public services (including policing), that policies do not disadvantage them, and that communities do not ʻdieʼ.

Support Vulnerable People

That means giving older people the support needed to live well for longer, and helping those in need as a civilised society should.

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© 2017Published and promoted by Tony Allison on behalf of David Williams and UK Independence Party (UKIP) SW Norfolk, both of 43 Old Market Street, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2EQ. Hosted by Wix

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