Thank You
As suggested, this General Election has turned out to be an historic event. It has produced astonishing results and three Leader resignations. For UKIP, the Party has achieved well over a hundred second places and secured over 3.8 million votes (12% of those cast). This is great progress and whilst a little tired, may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped my campaign in South West Norfolk, whether by donating money, leafleting (especially in the rain), putting up UKIP boards or attending any of our public meetings. Without your assistance we would not have had the impact we achieved: 11654 votes (more than Labour and the Lib Dems combined), which is about a fourfold increase (a +17% share of the ballot), a 4% swing to UKIP, and a subsequent move from fourth to second place.
In particular, I would like to publicly thank my Agent, Tony Allison, Karen Head and Gary Conway for their immense efforts on my behalf and their patience in dealing with my decisions and failings. And of course, thank you to the thousands of constituents who entrusted me with their vote. I ams orry that we did not bring about the change we hoped for.
Even so, UKIP marches on and there is much left to do, not least to strive for a fairer electoral system. Why? Well, yesterday UKIP secured 3.8 million votes - some 12% of those cast - and secured one seat at Westminster. At the same time, the Scottish National Party received 1.4 million votes (under 5% of the total) and is sending 56 MPs to Parliament. ( This imbalance will prevent UKIP from achieving great things. So itʼs still time for change!