The Brexit Chronicles - Thetford

A good crowd turned out on a rainy November night as the Brexit Chronicles came to Thetford yesterday.
Patrick O'Flynn gave a chronological and amusing account of the journey to winning the EU referendum; from the launch of the Daily Express campaign to get Britain out, through the watershed 2014 European elections that UKIP won, to the defections to UKIP of two MPs and ultimately the victorious EU referendum campaign. This even included a few impersonations from Patrick of David Cameron and Nigel Farage, the latter of which, as Patrick said, could have done with a few more Rothmans to be totally authentic!

Lisa Duffy gave a passionate case for why UKIP is needed now more than ever, and surprise guest Suzanne Evans gave a speech in support of her bid to become UKIP leader. Questions and answers, plus a few drinks, followed.
Speakers pictured with UKIP South West Norfolk Chairman Tony Alison, Secretary Karen Head and elected councilors John Newton, Mark Taylor, Denis Crawford and Jenny Hollis.