Sad loss of John Newton, local UKIP Councillor
It was with great sadness that we heard of the sudden loss of John Newton, UKIP Councillor, on January 11th at the age of 68. John was...

Open letter to Liz Truss MP: Respect the referendum result
UKIP Councillor John Newton has written to South West Norfolk MP Liz Truss expressing the widespread anger and sense of betrayal in the...

UKIP demand transparency from council on EU referendum
UKIP Councillor John Newton's motion (in full below) tabled at the recent Breckland District full council meeting inviting fellow...

UKIP Councillor works so hard his family thought he was missing
The people of Thetford know a good thing when they see it. Having elected Denis Crawford to their Town, Borough and County councils last...

Breckland Councillor defects to UKIP
The South West Norfolk branch of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) is pleased to announce that for the first time UKIP has a...

Paul Smyth chosen as UKIP PPC for South West Norfolk
Hustings are taking place up and down the country to select UKIPs candidates to fight the next election. I recently attended the hustings...