UKIP Councillor works so hard his family thought he was missing

The people of Thetford know a good thing when they see it. Having elected Denis Crawford to their Town, Borough and County councils last May they are certainly getting good value. Mr Crawford has been working so hard on their behalf that his family feared he had gone missing!
Mr Crawford's daughter was unable to contact him over a two day period in January. Fearing that something had happened to her father, she contacted the police.
Officers called at his flat only to find it empty. They soon found their man, at a council meeting (where else for the hard working Mr Crawford!).
Mr Crawford had left his home at 7am on a Monday for a day of back to back council meetings, not returning home until 10pm. He was then up early again on the Tuesday for more of the same. Six consecutive meetings over two days meant that Mr Crawford's mobile phone was switched off for an extended period, leaving his family unable to contact him.
Unaware that his daughter had been unable to reach him, Mr Crawford was understandably surprised when two PCSOs interrupted a Thetford Town Council meeting asking for him.

"It was a huge surprise. The first thing I knew about any concerns was when two officers poked their heads around the door and asked for me. I was thinking 'what's wrong?' but the officers explained they were looking for me because I hadn't been seen at home for such a long time."
Mr Crawford had spent nearly five hours in an adult social services meeting, followed by a Breckland planning consultation and an action group meeting on Monday. On Tuesday, he was at a children's services committee meeting, then a UKIP group meeting followed by the full town council meeting.
On his election leaflets distributed around Thetford last May, Denis wrote:
"I have a very good attendance record... I will continue to be a full-time councillor and put all my experience to work for you, the people of Thetford."
Sadly many politicians only think of the electorate when they are looking for votes in the run up to an election. As with most UKIP representatives, Denis has shown that what you see at election time is what you get - someone who is not in it for themselves but to serve the best interests of the people. Here are some more examples of what happens when you vote UKIP.